Supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Raising the Bar is a curriculum development and training initiative that is equipping librarians in New York City and across the country with research-based best practices to inform their early literacy planning and delivery.
The Raising the Bar project has helped transform early learning program delivery at the New York Public Library. Since the start of the initiative, NYPL has trained 150 library staff from 87 branches who, in turn, have greatly increased the depth and breadth of NYPL’s Early Literacy programming. In 2018, NYPL staff provided over 31,000 Early Literacy programs enjoyed by 788,000 attendees, more than doubling the number of Early Literacy offerings provided to families, local schools, and childcare centers and community-based organizations from 2015.
Key Project Staff at the New York Public Library
Maggie Jacobs
Director of Educational Programs
Emily Nichols
Associate Director of Youth Branch Education
Eva Shapiro
Manager of Early Childhood Education
Chelsea Condren
Early Literacy Coordinator
Jessica Espejel
Early Literacy Coordinator
Amber Moller
Early Literacy Coordinator
Samantha Terrazas
Early Literacy Coordinator
Collaboration with The New York Early Childhood
Professional Development Institute (PDI)
NYPL collaborated extensively with The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI), which is housed at the City University of New York. PDI is a public-private partnership that brings together a range of city agencies, a consortium of private funders, and the nation's largest urban university to build a comprehensive system of professional development for individuals who work with young children in New York.
NYPL greatly appreciates all the efforts made by PDI, especially Executive Director, Sherry Cleary; Director of Research and Evaluation, Kate Tarrant; and Director of Early Childhood, Helen Frazier.
And a special thanks to our Supporters!
The project could also not be possible without the leadership of Kristen Rocha Aldrich, previous Manager of Early Childhood Education at the New York Public library from Spring 2015 - Fall 2018, who oversaw all duties in making the project a success from its inception as an in-person training to its digital version.
A special thanks to the Early Literacy Advisory council: Karen Balsen, Susan Friedman, Saroj Ghoting, Pamela Hamlin, Nancy Lauter, Dr. Susan Neuman, and Brooke Newberry.
An additional thank you to the online training platform advisory group: Rachel Altmann, Eiyana Favers, Stephanie Smallwood, Susan Spicer, and Theresa Wang.