Raising the Bar will be unavailable until further notice. Please check back December 2022. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Raising the Bar: Facilitator Guide
Course Catalog
Introduction to Raising the Bar: Facilitator Guide
Learn about the training's core concepts and NYPL's approach to Early Literacy in a public library setting.
Module A: Facilitator Guide
This course focuses on the basic early childhood concepts that are important foundations to all early literacy work.
Module B: Facilitator Guide
This course will help students develop an understanding of how to support children’s healthy intellectual and emotional development during Storytime.
Module C: Facilitator Guide
This course will explore adult education workshop techniques for engaging caregivers in creating literacy-friendly worlds for their children.
Module D: Facilitator Guide
This course highlights best practices in working with early childhood providers to enhance literacy activities in early childhood environments.